
I'm Kath and I would like to tell you a little about myself and the idea behind
'Ready, Steady, Music!'
I have taught music to all ages and abilities throughout my career and took a step back from the classroom to start my own small business. Having worked in preschool groups for over 15 years, I had developed a 'recipe' for short focused music sessions that the under 5's just loved.
How could I enable ALL practitioners who worked in the Early Years sector to be able to share the joy of making music with their learners in this way?
And so the journey began and 'Ready, Steady, Music!' resources were published.
In the first year, I had the joy of training over 100 practitioners in my local area who went back to their settings armed with over 25 new songs and five planned sessions.
The feedback I then received was brilliant....
'I did your training last week and delivered the first session a few days later. One child, who finds it hard to 'join in' group activities, stomped and roared during the dinosaur song...it was such a pleasure to watch him 'lost in the moment'.... what a huge success the first two weeks have been!'.
(Builth Wells 2019)
Each carefully planned session takes about 15 minutes and is ideal for 2 - 4-year-olds in preschool/nursery settings. The songs are professionally recorded and enable the children to explore instrumental sounds, develop their imaginations and grow in self-confidence. the teacher's book is easy to use with teaching tips, the session plans, song words, and the early years outcomes that the activities support.
My passion is to increase your confidence and for you to use these sessions to develop the music provision in your setting.
'I had no confidence where music was concerned and would avoid it if at all possible! Your training session was so enjoyable and 'hands-on' that I felt comfortable and now much more confident to explore music with my children.'
(Hay-on-Wye 2022)
“The children love their 'Ready, Steady. MUSIC!' sessions! They are always totally engaged throughout, especially those children who don't always join in. They especially enjoy using the instruments and keep asking to do music again! I often hear them singing 'Can you roar like a dinosaur?' in the outdoor play area, roaring and stomping with their peers! I would recommend this resource for preschool children (2 - 3 year olds) and nursery classes."

Ruth Davies 3@Cradoc Pre-school
“Our children really enjoy 'Ready, Steady, MUSIC!' and it's easy to keep them engaged throughout the session. They love the dinosaur song and tapping their sticks to the music! The lesson plan is clear and describes easily what to do. Each song is related to the Early Years Outcomes Framework so that the planning is all done."

Cariad a Cwtch Day Nursery, Llandovery
"Ready steady music is an excellent, bilingual resource for young children. The sessions support children to develop their confidence, language, physical and musical skills in a fun way. A must for early years practitioners and settings!"
"Mae 'Ready, Steady, Music!' yn adnodd dwyieithog, ardderchog i blant ifanc. Mae'r sesiynau hwyliog yn cefnogi plant i ddatblygu eu hyder, iaith a'u sgiliau corfforol a cherddorol. Adnodd hanfodol ar gyfer ymarferwyr a lleoliadau y blynyddoedd cynnar!"

Sharon Hughes
Senior Foundation Phase Advisor, Powys
Uwch Athrawes Ymgynghorol y Cyfnod Sylfaen, Powys
"My daughter really loves the music sessions! She loves the innovative songs and playing the instruments and the elements of routine help her to feel confident within the group.
Her imagination is stimulated by the role play songs and she is happy to integrate with the other children in the circle. The pace of the session means that her interest is maintained and she has learned valuable skills such as turn taking and sharing alongside the musical concepts."

"The nursery class have taken quickly to the bright and tuneful songs which have been very professionally produced. it is a joy to be teaching with material that uses acoustic instruments and singing of the highest quality. Lesson plans are clearly presented and easy to follow. The children are particularly fond of the Dinosaur Stomp!”

Anne Brown, Glebe Primary School